OPA on AWS uses some Backstage out of the box entities but also introduces two new entities in the software catalog.
AWS Environment & Environment Provider
These custom Backstage entity kinds were created to represent an abstract AWS environment and environment provider.
AWS Environment
An abstracted entity that captures the intent of use of a particular environment instance, including:
- Single/multi account.
- Single/multi region.
- Category – dev, test, stage, prod etc.
- Classification – private, internal, public.
- Requires approval - for automated pipeline deployments.
- System - for participation in higher level systems.
- Hierarchy – where does it position in the hierarchy of other environments (low – dev, high – prod).
AWS Environment Entity Definition: AWSEnvironmentEntityV1.ts
AWS Environment Principles:
- Maintain 1:N relationship with AWS environment providers.
- Integrated with pipeline definitions for deployments that require approval.
- Customizable and extendable.
- Can be used with different types of Environment Providers.
export interface AWSEnvironmentEntityV1 extends Entity {
apiVersion: 'aws.backstage.io/v1alpha';
kind: 'AWSEnvironment';
spec: {
AWS Environment enforces the creation of a relationship with environment providers through the entity Processor
if (targetRef.kind == 'awsenvironmentprovider') {
source: selfRef,
target: {
kind: targetRef.kind,
namespace: targetRef.namespace,
name: targetRef.name,
source: {
kind: targetRef.kind,
namespace: targetRef.namespace,
name: targetRef.name,
target: selfRef,
AWS Environment Processor code: AWSEnvironmentEntitiesProcessor.ts
AWS Environment Provider
A custom kind entity that captures a place in the cloud that can be used to provision and run applications. An Environment provider can be defined by:
- A particular AWS Account
- A particular AWS Region
- A name and prefix composition for organization segmentation (payments:development, hr:production etc.)
- Mutually exclusive – multiple distinct providers can be created within a single AWS account and region
- Isolated from other providers / accounts
- Provisioning role - a role that has sufficient permissions to provision the resources for the designated types of applications.
- Operations role - a role that has sufficient permissions to operate the designated types of applications.
- Audit table - a dedicated table to capture the actions performed on the applications running in the current environment.
- Optional: The underlying networking (VPC), runtime environment (ECS/EKS/Serverless), and required applications infrastructure
AWS Environment Provider Entity Definition: AWSEnvironmentProviderEntityV1.ts
export interface AWSEnvironmentProviderEntityV1 extends Entity {
apiVersion: 'aws.backstage.io/v1alpha';
kind: 'AWSEnvironmentProvider';
spec: {
AWS Environment Provider Processor code: AWSEnvironmentProviderEntitiesProcessor.ts
We map applications to the existing Backstage entity component. While the concept of an application can be interpreted in different ways, we found the kind component to be very close to it.
The structure of application component entity:
When provisioning an application, the template creates a Backstage catalog info yaml file with the below properties:
apiVersion: backstage.io/v1alpha1
kind: Component
name: "Your App name"
description: "Description"
- aws
- nodejs
iacType: cdk
repoSecretArn: "arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-east-1:**********.:secret:***"
type: aws-app
owner: "group:default/developers"
lifecycle: experimental
dependsOn: [FirstDeployedEnvironment]
We introduce a new component spec type - aws-app which will be used to mark applications that run on AWS. This is used to provide a specific UI experience that allows users to operate the application in the AWS cloud.
The iacType property indicates the type of the infrastructure as code this app was provisioned with - this impacts both the pipeline as well as the UI experience that are based on Terraform or CDK (state management).
You may notice that repoSecretArn is created regardless of the environment where the application is deployed - that is because the access to the repository is part of the platform / solution account regardless of where is it being deployed.
After the application provisioning pipeline completes, the pipeline will update the entity with the environment deployed resources under the appData tag:
apiVersion: backstage.io/v1alpha1
kind: Component
name: "AML-Detection-EMEA"
description: "AML Detection App for EMEA"
- aws
- nodejs
aws.amazon.com/opa-repoSecretArn: "arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-east-1:**********.:secret:aws-apps-aml-detection-emea-access-token-V9w8Ea"
iacType: cdk
repoSecretArn: "arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-east-1:**********.:secret:aws-apps-aml-detection-emea-access-token-V9w8Ea"
EcrRepositoryUri: **********.dkr.ecr.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/aml-detection-emea-emea-aml-dev
EcrRepositoryArn: arn:aws:ecr:eu-west-1:**********.:repository/aml-detection-emea-emea-aml-dev
EcsServiceArn: arn:aws:ecs:eu-west-1:**********.:service/aml-emea-aml-dev-cluster/AML-Detection-EMEA-emea-aml-dev
EcsTaskDefinitionArn: arn:aws:ecs:eu-west-1:**********.:task-definition/******:1
AlbEndpoint: http://AML-D-AMLDe-11C7BFBPF0RHP-**********..eu-west-1.elb.amazonaws.com
TaskLogGroup: /aws/apps/EMEA-AML-dev/emea-aml-dev/AML-Detection-EMEA
TaskExecutionRoleArn: AML-Detection-EMEA-ecs-resources-emea-aml-dev/AML-Detection-EMEA-taskDef/ExecutionRole
AppResourceGroup: arn:aws:resource-groups:eu-west-1:**********.:group/AML-Detection-EMEA-emea-aml-dev-rg
StackName: AML-Detection-EMEA-ecs-resources-emea-aml-dev
EcrRepositoryUri: **********..dkr.ecr.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/aml-detection-emea-emea-aml-test
EcrRepositoryArn: arn:aws:ecr:eu-west-1:**********.:repository/aml-detection-emea-emea-aml-test
EcsServiceArn: arn:aws:ecs:eu-west-1:**********.:service/aml-emea-aml-test-cluster/AML-Detection-EMEA-emea-aml-test
EcsTaskDefinitionArn: arn:aws:ecs:eu-west-1:**********.:task-definition/*****:1
AlbEndpoint: http://AML-D-AMLDe-HNBIDJ2F0QER-**********.eu-west-1.elb.amazonaws.com
TaskLogGroup: /aws/apps/EMEA-AML-test/emea-aml-test/AML-Detection-EMEA
TaskExecutionRoleArn: AML-Detection-EMEA-ecs-resources-emea-aml-test/AML-Detection-EMEA-taskDef/ExecutionRole
AppResourceGroup: arn:aws:resource-groups:eu-west-1:**********.:group/AML-Detection-EMEA-emea-aml-test-rg
StackName: AML-Detection-EMEA-ecs-resources-emea-aml-test
type: aws-app
owner: "group:default/developers"
lifecycle: experimental
dependsOn: ['awsenvironment:default/EMEA-AML-dev', 'awsenvironment:default/EMEA-AML-test']
You may notice that the example above describes an entity of an application that is deployed in two environments: EMEA-AML-dev and EMEA-AML-test
Similiarly a serverless application entity will look like :
apiVersion: backstage.io/v1alpha1
kind: Component
name: "snacks"
kebabName: "snacks"
description: "get a list of yummy snack foods"
- aws
- rest
- swagger
- openapi
- apigateway
- serverless
iacType: cdk
repoSecretArn: "arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-east-1:**********:secret:aws-apps-snacks-access-token-0IMiXR"
AppResourceGroup: arn:aws:resource-groups:us-east-1:**********::group/snacks-api-team-dev-rg
StackName: snacks-serverless-api-resources-api-team-dev
AppStackName: snacks-api-team-dev
BuildBucketName: snacks-serverless-api-re-snacksapiteamdevbuildbuc-**********
AppResourceGroup: arn:aws:resource-groups:us-east-1:**********:group/snacks-api-team-qa-rg
StackName: snacks-serverless-api-resources-api-team-qa
AppStackName: snacks-api-team-qa
BuildBucketName: snacks-serverless-api-re-snacksapiteamqabuildbuck-**********
type: aws-app
owner: "group:default/developers"
lifecycle: experimental
dependsOn: ['awsenvironment:default/api-team-dev', 'awsenvironment:default/api-team-qa']
Backstage resource entities are used to illustrate AWS resources. However, we extended the model so that we can articulate specific UI and processes that won't conflict with Backstage built-in capabilities of Resource entities.
Resource entity catalog:
apiVersion: backstage.io/v1alpha1
kind: Resource
name: "Commercial-Pymt-db-us"
description: "Payment DB for commercial apps in US"
- aws
- rds
- aws-resource
- database
annotations: null
iacType: cdk
resourceType: "aws-rds"
dbName: "pymtdb"
dbObjectName: "user"
Arn: arn:aws:rds:us-east-1:**********:db:commercial-pymt-db-us-rds-reso-rdsinstance05f4b4b0-**********
DbAdminSecretArn: arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-east-1:**********:secret:rdsInstanceSecretB79B16A5-**********-Y8ykm1
DbEndpoint: commercial-pymt-db-us-rds-reso-rdsinstance05f4b4b0-xwcil8gg8rvp.**********.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com
DbPort: '5432'
ResourceGroup: arn:aws:resource-groups:us-east-1:**********:group/Commercial-Pymt-db-us-us-commercial-dev-rg
StackName: Commercial-Pymt-db-us-rds-resource
type: aws-resource
owner: "group:default/dev-ops"
lifecycle: experimental
dependsOn: ['awsenvironment:default/US-Commercial']
Core resource entity properties:
- spec/type -> aws-resource . while we use the same kind of Resource the spec type refers to aws-resource which can be easily used to filter our AWS related resources.
- resourceType this is used to capture the different types of AWS resources including: aws-rds, s3, sns, sqs etc.
Extended resource entity properties:
- dbName - in this aws-rds resource the property captures the database name
- dbObjectName in this aws-rds resource the property captures the schema/user name
- appData - under this property, all deployed resource artifacts are preserved - you can customize what properties you would like to bring back to the entity from the provisioning pipeline.
AWS Resources are provisioned against a single environment. The process of deploying a resource to an additional environment is not supported to avoid managing different configurations or changes of the resource that are not identical across multiple environments.