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1.0.0 (2024-02-10)

New Features
  • Support
New Documentation
  • Test cases
Bug Fixes

0.3.0 (2024-01-23)

New Features
  • Support for Kubernetes:
    • Add AWS EKS provider
    • Import existing AWS EKS clusters
    • Add AWS EKS Application for K8s Kustomize pattern
    • Add AWS EKS Application for K8s Helm pattern
    • Add CI/CD patterns for K8s applications
    • New UI Page for K8s with control panel to operate the application
  • S3 Bucket as a shared resource
  • Reuse existing VPC when creating providers(Import existing VPC)
  • AWS ECS provider with EC2 clusters for tailored workloads
  • Updated Backstage platform to v1.21
  • Support filter relevant environments for new apps
New Documentation
  • Security documentation
  • Test cases
  • Add a basic provider template - example for starting your own provider templates.
  • Remove hyphenated names from entities
  • Adding support for component subType for easy identification of internal AWS component classification
Bug Fixes
  • Delete provider - case name issue
  • Delete app - case name issue
  • Delete resource - remove secret deletion + adjusted stack name mapping
  • Remove provider from an environment after creation

0.2.0 (2023-09-26)

New Features
  • Environment and Environment provider entity types
  • Multi-account and multi-region support
  • Environment and Environment provider provisioning from Backstage
  • GitLab pipelines for CI/CD to build and deploy applications
  • Dynamic pipelines for new environment deployments
  • Environment addition at application level
  • Introduce environment hierarchy/level and require approval options for AWS Environment
  • Application auditing per environment
  • Environment selector drop down - Contextual environment switching for applications
  • Resource template for RDS
  • Resource Binding to applications
  • AWS-Resource Backstage Page
  • App Pending page - while pipeline is still provisioning the app/resource
  • Java SpringBoot template
  • Delete App & Delete Provider capabilities
  • Serverless and ECS environment provider examples
  • Permissions framework adoption
  • Installation improvements