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Version 0.2

1. Platform engineer scope

Dynamic environment provider provisioningCreate unlimited number of providers on multiple accounts and regions
ECS environment providerCreate an ECS (Elastic container servicer) based provider
Serverless environment providerCreate a serverless based provider
Abstracted AWS environmentCreate a environment of which applications and resources can be created
Application pipelineCreate a pipeline for each application to support IAC provisioning and code change stage
Environment Deployment pipelineCreate a pipeline to deploy the code base of an application to another environment
Resource BindingAllow Binding resources to application to provide access and sharing capabilities for AWS resources
Deploy to additional environmentsAllow the deployment of an application to additional environments
Environments selectorToggle between the environments of which the application is deployed and present relevant information for the current selected environment
Segregated auditingAudit actions from platform and pipeline to a segregated auditing table of the target environment
Environment levelAllow to define a number representing the level of the environment thus creates hierarchies that are used for deployments
Deployment requires approvalConfigure how the pipelines should execute against an environment automatic / require approval
Delete appRemove an application from an environment
Delete providerRemove a provider
Centralized pipelinesLoad pipelines dynamically from a centralized repository
Component Pending pagePresent a partial page while the component IAC pipeline is still processing
Terraform/CDK pipelinesSupport both terraform and CDK pipelines to provision resources

2. Application developer scope

Clone repository while resources are provisionedThe ability to clone the repository immediately after it was created without waiting for the pipeline to provision the infrastructure
Start and stop ECS taskStart and stop the ECS task to load the latest container changes
Change ECS task environment variableChange the ECS Task definition environment variables to inject new parameters to the app runtime
View related app cloud resourcesView related application resources that are provisioned for this app
View application logsView the CloudWatch logs for the application
Visualize application software catalog relationshipView the application relationship including environments, shared resources and owner
Automatic deployment for additional environmentDeploy the application to another environment with a click of a button
Delete appDelete the application and it's related resources
Bind application to resourcePermit an application to use a shared resource such as RDS database, S3 bucket, EFS etc.
View application CI/CD pipelinesView the application CI/CD pipelines

Coming up

EKS environment providerPlatform EngineerCreate a Kubernetes based providerJan 2024
Environment BindingPlatform EngineerBind Environments to allow network communication across multiple VPC's through AWS Transit gatewayFebruary 2024

Provided examples and templates

AWS ECS Environment Providera provider IAC for ECS runtimeProvider
AWS Serverless Environment Providera provider IAC for Serverless runtimeProvider
AWS RDS Databasean RDS database templateResource
Node.js Terraform Web Appa node.js application provisioning by terraformApplication
Node.js Express Web App With RDSa node.js application with a baked in starter code to connect to RDS databaseApplication
Node.js Express Web Appa node.js applicationApplication
Python Flask starter applicationa python flask web server applicationApplication
Serverless REST API (TypeScript)a lambda based serverless REST API application template for typescriptApplication
Java Spring Boot Web Servicea java springboot applicationApplication

