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What is OPA on AWS?

Orchestrate Platforms and Application (OPA) on AWS brings the AWS cloud closer to your developers. The platform allows enterprise customers to build environments and applications on AWS without requiring application developers to upskill on cloud expertise. OPA on AWS is a reference implementation for an enterprise grade fully integrated internal developer platform. Improving the developer's workflow with a secure and scalable experience for non-cloud developers.

OPA on AWS is built on a Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) project, Backstage, which is an open platform for building developer portals. The Backstage platform itself has been adopted by over 900 companies as their primary developer portal in the past 3 years and has over 100 plugins available for its end users. OPA on AWS takes Backstage to the next level by seamlessly integrating it with AWS and packaging it together for enterprise use.

Why did we build OPA on AWS?

Enterprise customers are challenged to integrate with AWS Services while adhering to their operation standards, security guardrails and compliance. In addition, Cloud Engineers and DevOps teams are a scarce resource that do not scale. Platform engineering helps to reduce this bottleneck and to enable enterprises to scale and improve their developer experience and the use of AWS Services securely.

What's included?

The open source solution includes the following:

  1. Complete source code to provision a new platform.
  2. Templates and examples to create environments, providers, applications and AWS resources.
  3. Backstage plugins and plugins source code.
  4. Predefined CI/CD centralized pipelines for more than 12 common patterns.
  5. Documentation, support videos, and a workshop.

Refer to the features page for a complete list of capabilities.

Getting Started

Get started by creating a new platform