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AWS Cloud Foundations team

The Cloud Foundations Team, in collaboration with the Central Area Greenfield SA Team, is introducing a flexible and scalable program to expedite a customer's progress in establishing their cloud foundation. Cloud Foundations Accelerator (CFA) is comprised of various modules that are specifically tailored to build a customer's core cloud foundation in accordance with Cloud Foundations best practices.

Cloud Foundations


Enterprises that adopt open source solutions as the foundation of their cloud platforms face the challenge of choosing technologies that will support their business outcomes for 3-5 years. The cost of retooling and re-platforming for large organizations is high, which makes bets on specific technologies fundamental to their technology strategies. In order to de-risk these bets, enterprises take into consideration the investments of their peer organizations. The goal for the CNOE framework is to bring together a cohort of enterprises operating at the same scale so that they can navigate their operational technology decisions together, de-risk their tooling bets, coordinate contribution, and offer guidance to large enterprises on which CNCF technologies to use together to achieve the best cloud efficiencies.

Data on EKS

Data on Amazon EKS (DoEKS) - A tool for building AWS managed and self-managed scalable Kubernetes data platforms on Amazon EKS

Data on EKS