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Terraform IaC & Kubernetes

Create a K3d (local) Kubernetes cluster

Local/Cloud provisioning tool for building GitOps Kubernetes platforms

  • 🚀 Reproducible Local Development with DevContainers: VSCode, K8s, TF, Python/R


Local vs Cloud

Here's the provided content rewritten in a Markdown table format:

NumberLocalAWS Cloud
1Your LaptopVPC
2K3d clusterEKS cluster
3Minio localhost storage for state and artifactsS3
4GitHub container storageECR
5Helm chart storage in chartmuseum backed by MinioS3
6Minio s3 storageVault's dynamodb backend
7Ngrok is automatically added to your localhost and started so that your new GitOps repo can webhook to your local cluster's Atlantis for automatic terraform plans and applies that run from within your local cluster
8There is a localhost variation of our argo workflow templates being used that accommodate the local environment changes to continuous integration

This table outlines the main differences and similarities between cloud and local platforms, focusing on specific components and their local counterparts.