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EMR on EKS with Karpenter


In this pattern, you will deploy an EMR on EKS cluster and use Karpenter provisioners for scaling Spark jobs.

Architecture emr-eks-karpenter

This pattern uses opinionated defaults to keep the deployment experience simple but also keeps it flexible so that you can pick and choose necessary add-ons during deployment. We recommend keeping the defaults if you are new to EMR on EKS and only customize if you have viable alternative option available for replacement.

In terms of infrastructure, here are the resources that are created by this pattern

  • Creates an EKS Cluster Control plane with public endpoint (recommended for demo/poc environment)
  • One managed node group
    • Core Node group with 3 instances spanning multi-AZs for running system critical pods. e.g., Cluster Autoscaler, CoreDNS, Observability, Logging etc.
  • Enables EMR on EKS
    • Creates two namespaces (emr-data-team-a, emr-data-team-b) for data teams
    • Creates Kubernetes role and role binding(emr-containers user) for both namespaces
    • IAM roles for both teams needed for job execution
    • Update AWS_AUTH config map with emr-containers user and AWSServiceRoleForAmazonEMRContainers role
    • Create a trust relationship between the job execution role and the identity of the EMR managed service account
    • Create EMR Virtual Cluster for emr-data-team-a & emr-data-team-b and IAM policies for both

You can see the list of add-ons available below.


We recommend running all the default system add-ons on a dedicated EKS managed nodegroup such as core-node-group as provided by this pattern.


We don't recommend removing critical add-ons (Amazon VPC CNI, CoreDNS, Kube-proxy).

Add-onEnabled by default?BenefitsLink
Amazon VPC CNIYesVPC CNI is available as an EKS add-on and is responsible for creating ENI's and IPv4 or IPv6 addresses for your spark application podsVPC CNI Documentation
CoreDNSYesCoreDNS is available as an EKS add-on and is responsible for resolving DNS queries for spark application and for Kubernetes clusterEKS CoreDNS Documentation
Kube-proxyYesKube-proxy is available as an EKS add-on and it maintains network rules on your nodes and enables network communication to your spark application podsEKS kube-proxy Documentation
Amazon EBS CSI driverYesEBS CSI driver is available as an EKS add-on and it allows EKS clusters to manage the lifecycle of EBS volumesEBS CSI Driver Documentation
KarpenterYesKarpenter is nodegroup-less autoscaler that provides just-in-time compute capacity for spark applications on Kubernetes clustersKarpenter Documentation
Cluster AutoscalerYesKubernetes Cluster Autoscaler automatically adjusts the size of Kubernetes cluster and is available for scaling nodegroups (such as core-node-group) in the clusterCluster Autoscaler Documentation
Cluster proportional autoscalerYesThis is responsible for scaling CoreDNS pods in your Kubernetes clusterCluster Proportional Autoscaler Documentation
Metrics serverYesKubernetes metrics server is responsible for aggregating cpu, memory and other container resource usage within your clusterEKS Metrics Server Documentation
PrometheusYesPrometheus is responsible for monitoring EKS cluster including spark applications in your EKS cluster. We use Prometheus deployment for scraping and ingesting metrics into Amazon Managed Prometheus and KubecostPrometheus Documentation
Amazon Managed PrometheusYesThis is responsible for storing and scaling of EKS cluster and spark application metricsAmazon Managed Prometheus Documentation
KubecostYesKubecost is responsible for providing cost break down by Spark application. You can monitor costs based on per job, namespace or labelsEKS Kubecost Documentation
CloudWatch metricsNoCloudWatch container insights metrics shows simple and standardized way to monitor not only AWS resources but also EKS resources on CloudWatch dashboardCloudWatch Container Insights Documentation
AWS for Fluent-bitNoThis can be used to publish EKS cluster and worker node logs to CloudWatch Logs or 3rd party logging systemAWS For Fluent-bit Documentation
FSx for Lustre CSI driverNoThis can be used for running Spark application using FSx for LustreFSx for Lustre CSI Driver Documentation

Customizing Add-ons


Deploying the Solution


Run Sample Spark job​

The pattern shows how to run spark jobs in a multi-tenant EKS cluster. The examples showcases two data teams using namespaces emr-data-team-a and emr-data-team-b mapped to their EMR virtual clusters. You can use different Karpenter provisioners for each team so that they can submit jobs that are unique to their workload. Teams can also use different storage requirements to run their Spark jobs. For example, you can use compute optimized provisioner that has taints and specify tolerations using pod templates so that you can run spark on compute optimized EC2 instances. In terms of storage, you can decide whether to use EC2 instance-store or EBS or FSx for lustre volumes for data processing. The default storage that is used in these examples is EC2 instance store because of performance benefit

  • spark-compute-optimized provisioner to run spark jobs on c5d instances.
  • spark-memory-optimized provisioner to run spark jobs on r5d instances.
  • spark-graviton-memory-optimized provisioner to run spark jobs on r6gd Graviton instances(ARM64).

In this tutorial, you will use Karpenter provisioner that uses compute optimized instances. This template leverages the Karpenter AWSNodeTemplates.

To view Karpenter provisioner for compute optimized instances, Click to toggle content!
kind: Provisioner
name: spark-compute-optimized
namespace: karpenter # Same namespace as Karpenter add-on installed
containerRuntime: containerd
# podsPerCore: 2
# maxPods: 20
- key: ""
operator: In
values: [${azs}a] #Update the correct region and zones
- key: ""
operator: In
values: ["spot", "on-demand"]
- key: "" #If not included, all instance types are considered
operator: In
values: ["c5d.xlarge","c5d.2xlarge","c5d.4xlarge","c5d.9xlarge"] # 1 NVMe disk
- key: ""
operator: In
values: ["amd64"]
cpu: 2000
name: spark-compute-optimized
type: karpenter
provisioner: spark-compute-optimized
NodeGroupType: SparkComputeOptimized
- key: spark-compute-optimized
value: 'true'
effect: NoSchedule
ttlSecondsAfterEmpty: 120 # optional, but never scales down if not set

kind: AWSNodeTemplate
name: spark-compute-optimized
namespace: karpenter
- deviceName: /dev/xvda
volumeSize: 100Gi
volumeType: gp3
encrypted: true
deleteOnTermination: true
httpEndpoint: enabled
httpProtocolIPv6: disabled
httpPutResponseHopLimit: 2
httpTokens: required
Name: "${eks_cluster_id}-private*" # Name of the Subnets to spin up the nodes
securityGroupSelector: # required, when not using launchTemplate
Name: "${eks_cluster_id}-node*" # name of the SecurityGroup to be used with Nodes
# instanceProfile: "" # optional, if already set in controller args
#RAID0 config example
userData: |
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="BOUNDARY"

Content-Type: text/x-shellscript; charset="us-ascii"

cat <<-EOF > /etc/profile.d/

# Configure the NVMe volumes in RAID0 configuration in the call.
# This will create a RAID volume and mount it at /mnt/k8s-disks/0
# then mount that volume to /var/lib/kubelet, /var/lib/containerd, and /var/log/pods
# this allows the container daemons and pods to write to the RAID0 by default without needing PersistentVolumes
export LOCAL_DISKS='raid0'

# Source extra environment variables in bootstrap script
sed -i '/^set -o errexit/a\\nsource /etc/profile.d/' /etc/eks/

InstanceType: "spark-compute-optimized" # optional, add tags for your own use

To run Spark Jobs that can use this provisioner, you need to submit your jobs by adding tolerations to your pod templates

For example,

- key: "spark-compute-optimized"
operator: "Exists"
effect: "NoSchedule"

Execute the sample PySpark Job to trigger compute optimized Karpenter provisioner

The following script requires four input parameters virtual_cluster_id, job_execution_role_arn, cloudwatch_log_group_name & S3_Bucket to store PySpark scripts, Pod templates and Input data. You can get these values terraform apply output values or by running terraform output. For S3_BUCKET, Either create a new S3 bucket or use an existing S3 bucket.


This shell script downloads the test data to your local machine and uploads to S3 bucket. Verify the shell script before running the job.

cd data-on-eks/analytics/terraform/emr-eks-karpenter/examples/nvme-ssd/karpenter-compute-provisioner/
Enter the EMR Virtual Cluster ID: 4ucrncg6z4nd19vh1lidna2b3
Enter the EMR Execution Role ARN: arn:aws:iam::123456789102:role/emr-eks-karpenter-emr-eks-data-team-a
Enter the CloudWatch Log Group name: /emr-on-eks-logs/emr-eks-karpenter/emr-data-team-a
Enter the S3 Bucket for storing PySpark Scripts, Pod Templates and Input data. For e.g., s3://<bucket-name>: s3://example-bucket

Karpenter may take between 1 and 2 minutes to spin up a new compute node as specified in the provisioner templates before running the Spark Jobs. Nodes will be drained with once the job is completed

Verify the job execution

kubectl get pods --namespace=emr-data-team-a -w

Execute the sample PySpark job that uses EBS volumes and compute optimized Karpenter provisioner​

This pattern uses EBS volumes for data processing and compute optimized provisioner. You can modify the provisioner by changing nodeselector in driver and executor pod templates. In order to change provisioners, simply update your pod templates to desired provisioner

NodeGroupType: "SparkComputeOptimized"

You can also update EC2 instances that doesn't include instance store volumes (for example c5.xlarge) and remove c5d's if needed for this exercise

We will create Storageclass that will be used by drivers and executors. We'll create static Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) for the driver pod but we'll use dynamically created ebs volumes for executors.

Create StorageClass and PVC using example provided

cd data-on-eks/analytics/terraform/emr-eks-karpenter/examples/ebs-pvc/karpenter-compute-provisioner-ebs/
kubectl apply -f ebs-storageclass-pvc.yaml

Let's run the job

cd data-on-eks/analytics/terraform/emr-eks-karpenter/examples/ebs-pvc/karpenter-compute-provisioner-ebs/
Enter the EMR Virtual Cluster ID: 4ucrncg6z4nd19vh1lidna2b3
Enter the EMR Execution Role ARN: arn:aws:iam::123456789102:role/emr-eks-karpenter-emr-eks-data-team-a
Enter the CloudWatch Log Group name: /emr-on-eks-logs/emr-eks-karpenter/emr-data-team-a
Enter the S3 Bucket for storing PySpark Scripts, Pod Templates and Input data. For e.g., s3://<bucket-name>: s3://example-bucket

You'll notice the PVC spark-driver-pvc will be used by driver pod but Spark will create multiple ebs volumes for executors mapped to Storageclass emr-eks-karpenter-ebs-sc. All dynamically created ebs volumes will be deleted once the job completes

Running Sample Spark job using FSx for Lustre​

Amazon FSx for Lustre is a fully managed shared storage option built on the world’s most popular high-performance file system. You can use FSx to store shuffle files and also to store intermediate data processing tasks in a data pipeline. You can read more about FSX for Lustre in documentation and learn how to use this storage with EMR on EKS in our best practices guide

In this example, you will learn how to deploy, configure and use FSx for Lustre as a shuffle storage. There are two ways to use FSx for Lustre

  • using static FSx for Lustre volumes
  • using dynamically created FSx for Lustre volumes

Execute Spark Job by using FSx for Lustre with statically provisioned volume and compute optimized Karpenter provisioner.

Fsx for Lustre Terraform module is disabled by default. Follow the customizing add-ons steps before running Spark jobs.

Execute the Spark job using the below shell script.

This script requires input parameters which can be extracted from terraform apply output values.


This shell script downloads the test data to your local machine and uploads to S3 bucket. Verify the shell script before running the job.

cd analytics/terraform/emr-eks-karpenter/examples/fsx-for-lustre/fsx-static-pvc-shuffle-storage


Karpetner may take between 1 and 2 minutes to spin up a new compute node as specified in the provisioner templates before running the Spark Jobs. Nodes will be drained with once the job is completed

Verify the job execution events

kubectl get pods --namespace=emr-data-team-a -w

This will show the mounted /data directory with FSx DNS name

kubectl exec -ti taxidata-exec-1 -c spark-kubernetes-executor -n emr-data-team-a -- df -h

kubectl exec -ti taxidata-exec-1 -c spark-kubernetes-executor -n emr-data-team-a -- ls -lah /static

Running Sample Spark job using Apache YuniKorn Batch Scheduler​

Apache YuniKorn is an open-source, universal resource scheduler for managing distributed big data processing workloads such as Spark, Flink, and Storm. It is designed to efficiently manage resources across multiple tenants in a shared, multi-tenant cluster environment. Some of the key features of Apache YuniKorn include:

  • Flexibility: YuniKorn provides a flexible and scalable architecture that can handle a wide variety of workloads, from long-running services to batch jobs.
  • Dynamic Resource Allocation: YuniKorn uses a dynamic resource allocation mechanism to allocate resources to workloads on an as-needed basis, which helps to minimize resource wastage and improve overall cluster utilization.
  • Priority-based Scheduling: YuniKorn supports priority-based scheduling, which allows users to assign different levels of priority to their workloads based on business requirements.
  • Multi-tenancy: YuniKorn supports multi-tenancy, which enables multiple users to share the same cluster while ensuring resource isolation and fairness.
  • Pluggable Architecture: YuniKorn has a pluggable architecture that allows users to extend its functionality with custom scheduling policies and pluggable components.

Apache YuniKorn is a powerful and versatile resource scheduler that can help organizations efficiently manage their big data workloads while ensuring high resource utilization and workload performance.

Apache YuniKorn Architecture Apache YuniKorn

Apache YuniKorn Gang Scheduling with Karpenter

Apache YuniKorn Scheduler add-on is disabled by default. Follow the steps to deploy the Apache YuniKorn add-on and execute the Spark job.

  1. Update the analytics/terraform/emr-eks-karpenter/ file with the following
variable "enable_yunikorn" {
default = true
description = "Enable Apache YuniKorn Scheduler"
type = bool
  1. Execute terrafrom apply again. This will deploy FSx for Lustre add-on and all the necessary resources.
terraform apply -auto-approve

This example demonstrates the Apache YuniKorn Gang Scheduling with Karpenter Autoscaler.

cd analytics/terraform/emr-eks-karpenter/examples/nvme-ssd/karpenter-yunikorn-gangscheduling


Verify the job execution Apache YuniKorn Gang Scheduling will create pause pods for total number of executors requested.

kubectl get pods --namespace=emr-data-team-a -w

Verify the driver and executor pods prefix with tg- indicates the pause pods. These pods will be replaced with the actual Spark Driver and Executor pods once the Nodes are scaled and ready by the Karpenter.


Delta Lake Table Format


Run Interactive Workload with Managed Endpoint​

Managed endpoint is a gateway that provides connectivity from EMR Studio to EMR on EKS so that you can run interactive workloads. You can find out more information about it here.

Creating a managed endpoint​

In this example, we will create a managed endpoint under one of the data teams.

Navigate to folder and execute script:

cd analytics/terraform/emr-eks-karpenter/examples/managed-endpoints
Enter the EMR Virtual Cluster Id: 4ucrncg6z4nd19vh1lidna2b3
Provide your EMR on EKS team (emr-data-team-a or emr-data-team-b): emr-eks-data-team-a
Enter your AWS Region: us-west-2
Enter a name for your endpoint: emr-eks-team-a-endpoint
Provide an S3 bucket location for logging (i.e. s3://my-bucket/logging/): s3://<bucket-name>/logs
Enter the EMR Execution Role ARN (i.e. arn:aws:00000000000000000:role/EMR-Execution-Role): arn:aws:iam::181460066119:role/emr-eks-karpenter-emr-data-team-a

The script will provide the following:

  • JSON configuration file for the Managed Endpoint
  • Configuration settings:
    • Default 8G Spark Driver
    • CloudWatch monitoring, with logs stored in the S3 bucket provided
  • Proper endpoint creation with appropriate security group to allow using Karpenter
  • Outputs: Managed Endpoint ID and Load Balancer ARN.

Once you have created a managed endpoint, you can follow the instructions here to configure EMR Studio and associate the Managed endpoint to a workspace.

Cleanup of Endpoint resources​

To delete the managed endpoint, simply run the following command:

aws emr-containers delete-managed-endpoint --id <Managed Endpoint ID> --virtual-cluster-id <Virtual Cluster ID>




To avoid unwanted charges to your AWS account, delete all the AWS resources created during this deployment