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🧑‍🎓 Roadmap

🚀 Data Science & Machine Learning ROADMAP for aspiring Data Scientists and ML Enthusiasts! 🌟

Data Science & Machine Learning ROADMAP

1️⃣ Mathematics & Statistics

✨ From descriptive statistics to calculus, these resources will provide a solid foundation in the core principles that drive data science. 🔢

2️⃣ Python | R for Data Science

🐍 Explore the coding aspect with Python and R cheat sheets for brushing up on your programming skills. 📈

3️⃣ SQL | Databases for Data Science

🔍 In the world of data handling, SQL is the key. These guides will assist you in navigating databases like a pro. 🗃️

4️⃣ Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) & Data Visualization

📊 Transform data into insights with top-notch visualization tools and techniques. 🎨

5️⃣ Machine Learning

🤖 Discover the fascinating world of Machine Learning with comprehensive guides and resources. 🧑‍🎓

6️⃣ Deep Learning

🌌 Learn to dive deep into Deep Learning with TensorFlow, Keras, and more! 🧠

7️⃣ Generative AI

🤯 Discover the cutting-edge realm of Generative AI, including a special guide to ChatGPT! 💬

8️⃣ MLOps | LLM Ops

🛠️ Learn the best practices for operationalizing ML models and large language models. 🔄

MLOps & LLM Ops

9️⃣ Papers for ML & Data Science study guides

📜 Dive into seminal papers that every ML enthusiast should read. 🔍


Study guides

Data retrieval with SQLData manipulation with RData manipulation with Python
Visualization with RVisualization with PythonEngineering tips

Conversion guides between R and Python

Data manipulationVisualization

Super study guide

All the above gathered in one place

🧭 This ROADMAP is not just a learning path; it's my compass that provides links to cheat sheets, tutorials, and references that have been meticulously selected to contribute to my personal learning journey. 🎓